croit at Ceph Day - San Jose, California
San Jose, CA - 17.03.2017 - Croit GmbH is delighted to present their new ceph storage management solution in public at Ceph Day, San Jose. Croit has been working on an innovative solution to facilitate the so far rather complex management of ceph.
Co-Founders Paul Emmerich and Matthias Grandl were on stage in San Jose, presenting their idea on the future of Ceph storage management to the expert public for the very first time. After introducing company and team, the young founders explained their motivation to find an innovative solution for managing ceph clusters.
"A huge amount of tailored scripts and many unnecessary night sessions" convinced backend developer and co-founder Paul Emmerich that it's about time for a more intelligent solution for managing storage clusters. That's where croit comes in: croit's software enables the user to set up a Ceph cluster in just a few minutes, as Emmerich showed the impressed San Jose audience. A significant cost reduction and a clearly reduced downtime risk is the result promised by the young founding team, next to Emmerich consisting of frontend developer Matthias Grandl and initiator Martin Verges.
The frontend designed by Grandl not only convinces with its fast five-step cluster setup, but also by a new level of transparence and management convinience: No matter if work station, mobile, or tablet, real-time data and settings are accessible and editable anywhere, anytime.
"From now, IT Admins can manage crucial company data on Ceph clusters with an ease mind," Emmerich assures his audience in San Jose. A most welcome side effect: The required knowledge on ceph, linux, networks and the interaction of all components is significantly reduced by using the croit solution: Clients can focus on what really matters - their core business.
croit GmbH was founded on January 31st 2017 as young start up in the scale-out storage area by founders Martin Verges, Paul Emmerich, and Matthias Grandl. Verges and Emmerich look back to over four years in managing ceph storage for data centers. Managing Director Verges has been founding a number of companies including the german data center First Colo GmbH, which has been decorated at EMEA 500 and voted one of the fastest growing technology companies in Germany by Deloitte four times in a row.