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Accessing your Cluster
Now that your cluster is deployed, you are probably wondering how you can access it.
There are multiple options:
- RBD (RADOS Block Device) is the way to go when you need a block device on a Linux machine. This includes QEMU hypervisors like Proxmox and OpenShift. There is also an experimental Windows driver.
- CephFS (Ceph Filesystem) is a POSIX-compatible filesystem that can be mounted on any Linux machine.
- S3 provides object storage access through the S3 (and SWIFT) API.
- NFS provides access to your CephFS through NFS.
- SMB provides access to your CephFS through SMB.
- NVMe-oF (NVMe over Fabrics) provides a virtual NVMe block device to systems that can't mount an RBD directly like VMware ESXi or HyperV.