Header Background

Custom TLS Certificate

If you don’t want to use the initial self-signed certificate, you can install your own. To do so, you need to access the container and modify the config file.

To access the container, you can either log in to our web interface and navigate to the admin console, or start an SSH session to your node and execute:

docker exec -it croit bash

Once inside the container, navigate to the config folder and update the config.yml file:

cd /config
vi config.yml

We use a small subset of possible options in our default configuration. Look for the following section:

    - type: https
      port: 443
      keyStorePath: /config/selfsigned.pfx
      keyStorePassword: insecure
      keyStoreType: PKCS12

To update your certificate, replace the keyStorePath and keyStorePassword values with your own certificate details. Ensure your certificate file is located within the /config directory, and it is in the appropriate format (e.g., PKCS12). After making these changes, restart the container to apply the new configuration:

docker restart croit

This will enable the use of your custom TLS certificate for secure communications.